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Cyanotype - what's it all about?

We caught up with artist and practitioner Bex Willis who told us more about the Introduction to Cyanotype Printing workshop she will be delivering at the new visual arts centre, The Base.

Hi Bex,

We're really looking forward to welcoming you and Cyanotype to The Base in March and so happy you agreed to answer a few questions!

Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
I am an independent artist/maker based in Winchester. I graduated from Winchester School of Art in the summer of 2017 with a BA (Hons) Degree in Fine Art. My past projects have included multiple installation pieces for the Hat Fair Festival in Winchester, national campaigns in support of blood donors for the NHS, and a range of independent exhibitions of my prints and other artwork.

Where was your first experience of Cyanotype?

I first came across the Cyanotype technique at a small gallery in Basingstoke. I was fascinated by the technique, and started researching how I could try it for myself. I have a great interest in plants and flowers, and it seemed to be the perfect way of being able to capture the details of these that you wouldn’t necessarily be able to, using other mediums.

What’s best about it?
I love the fact that no two prints are the same. There are so many factors that can affect how a print will turn out, working with this technique is a constant learning experience, and there is no such thing as making a mistake.

What can participants expect from your Introduction to Cyanotype Printingworkshop?

In the workshop we will be looking at how the Cyanotype technique works, and the different prints/designs you can achieve by using anything from plants, to everyday household objects. Each participant will leave with examples of their prints on paper, and also a tote bag that they will be printing during the session.

Using just 3 words, tell us why people should come...

(To) Try something different.

Introduction to Cyanotype Printing will be held on Tuesday 12 March, 1pm - 5pm, at The Base.

You can also see examples of Bex's work at www.bexwillis.co.uk or on Instagram @bexwillis_