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Festive opening hours at The Base

We would like to wish all our regular patrons and friends a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Honesty at The Base festive opening hours are:

24 Dec: 8am - 4pm

25 - 27 Dec: CLOSED

28 - 30 Dec: 8am - 5pm

31 Dec: 8am - 4pm


The Base office team will be in the building:

23 - 26 Dec: CLOSED

27 Dec: 9am - 2.30pm

28 Dec: 9am - 5.30pm

29 Dec - 1 Jan: CLOSED

Corn Exchange Box Office opening times:

Sunday 24 December: 10am - 5.15pm

Monday 25 December: CLOSED

Tuesday 26 December: 11am - 5.15pm

Wednesday 27 December: 10am - 5.15pm

Thursday 28 December: 10am - 5pm

Friday 29 December: 10am - 5.15pm

Saturday 30 December: 10am - 5.15pm

Sunday 31 December: 10am - 5.15pm

Monday 1 January: CLOSED

Tuesday 2 January: 10am - 5pm