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Eco Printing for Beginners

Sunday 7th Jul 2024, The Lookout Studio, The Base

Pressed green leaves printed on a surface

Eco-printing is a wonderful technique that uses only natural solutions and leaves to produce stunning prints of leaves.

In this workshop, you will eco-print your own 100% silk scarf, learn the techniques involved, and fuel your understanding of creating sustainably with nature.

You will learn:
• which leaves are best to use for successful eco-prints,
• how to prepare and bundle your fabric using a sustainable plastic-free method,
• how to process and wash your scarf, resulting in a unique design, permanently printed on silk in beautiful natural colours,
• You will also take away a mini kit to try out the technique at home.

About the Artist

Sandra Grant is a local textile artist who takes her inspiration from nature. Originally, she produced hand-dyed fabrics and yarns and used fabric manipulation and embroidery to produce her pieces that have been featured in several books. Sandra’s interest in nature and creating with limited impact on the environment has led to where she is today; producing beautiful eco-printed and naturally dyed products made from natural fabrics. With over 35 years of experience in creating and teaching textiles, you will learn from her vast experience and enthusiasm for textiles.

Duration: 11am - 2pm

All tickets must be booked in advance

There is no need to print or collect a ticket as the team will have a record of those who have booked. Booking for workshops and courses close 24 hours before the start time. Please note we reserve the right to cancel any course or workshop if the minimum numbers are not met. If we are not able to run a workshop you will be informed three working days ahead of the course or workshop start date.